A Day in the Life of a Software Engineer at Disca
Alex Hoopes

A Day in the Life of a Software Engineer at Disca

Discover what it’s like to work as a software engineer at Disca!

At Disca, being a software engineer means enjoying a balance of challenging work, client collaboration, and genuine care for my well-being. The culture here encourages me to take ownership of my tasks while respecting my personal needs. This combination has made Disca a place where I can grow professionally while genuinely enjoying my daily work.

My Day

I work from home full-time, with a schedule that allows me to work four 10-hour days each week. This setup gives me an extra day off—something I’d always been curious about. When I asked if I could try it, the founders were immediately supportive and worked with me to find the best day that I could have off each week.

My day starts early, usually by way of a long walk with my dog Ellie, followed by a shower and breakfast, so I’m ready to start work by 8am. At the beginning of each week, our entire team meets to align on priorities for the different projects we’re handling. Thanks to our manageable team size, we can get tasks discussed and assigned for the week within 30 minutes.

The variety in my work keeps things fresh and engaging. In addition to software development, I’ve been involved in:

  • Feature ideation and specification
  • Ticket management, for projects that we take a project management role for
  • Development tool experimentation
  • Client interactions via emails, recap meetings, and live demonstrations of features we’ve built
  • Architecture diagrams
  • Marketing discussions
  • Running a booth at conferences
  • Even writing blog posts!

The flexibility to decide which tasks to tackle and when is something I greatly appreciate. If there are specific areas that I want to grow in, the team is conscientious to look for opportunities that match my desire and send them my way.

Disca’s culture of trust is one of the aspects I value most. If something comes up during the day, like a doctor's appointment or even something unplanned, I have the freedom to step away and handle it without any guilt or hidden score-keeping. This level of trust empowers me to manage my time effectively, knowing that I can always return to my work and complete my tasks as needed.

My day typically concludes with a standup meeting, where we review what’s been accomplished, discuss any roadblocks, and come up with high-level plans for the next morning. It’s a great way to wrap up for the evening, and gives us a chance to course-correct based on changes that happen mid-week.

What I enjoy most about working at Disca is how fulfilling my day-to-day life has become. The variety in tasks, the flexibility, and the supportive team environment all contribute to a work experience that feels both productive and rewardin

Whether I’m brainstorming new features, solving complex challenges, or simply wrapping up the day with a friendly chat during our standup, I find a lot of satisfaction in the daily rhythm of my work. The vast majority of Americans spend a minimum of 40 hours every week at work; it’s worth spending the effort to find the job that makes you feel that way.

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